Contoh CV bahasa inggris -CV atau resume kadangkala dibuat dalam bahasa asing khususnya bahasa inggris. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena saat ini globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas sangat meluas sehingga banyak perusahaan asing yang mulai berjamuran di indonesia.
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Contoh cv bahasa inggris
Contoh CV 1
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
| Full Name Sex Place, Date of Birth Nationality Marital Status Height, Weight Health Religion Address Mobile Phone E-mail | : Florentina Putri : Female : Probolinggo, August 5, 1979 : Indonesia : Married : 165 cm, 53 kg : Perfect : Moslem : Perum Bojong Depok Baru 1, Blok ZT No.3, Cibinong 16913 : 0817 9854 203 : 021 - 87903802 : |
Educational Background
| 1985 - 1991 1991 - 1994 1994 - 1997 1997 - 2001 | : Gajahmada Elementary School, Probolinggo : Junior High School No.1, Probolinggo : Senior High School No.1, Probolinggo : Accounting Department at the University of Pancasila, Jakarta |
Course & Education
| 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2002 2004 - 2004 | : Computer & Internet Course at Puskom Gilland Ganesha, Jakarta : English Language Course at LBA Gilland Ganesha, Jakarta : Tax Course (Brevet A & B) di FAIUP, Jakarta |
- Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation).
- Taxation System.
- Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
- Internet Literate.
Working Experience
Working at PT. Flamboyan Bumi Singo, Cibinong |
Period Purpose Position | : August 2001 - June 2012 : Permanently working : Accounting & Taxation staff |
Job's Description :
- Payroll Staff;
- Project's data updating;
- Business correspondences;
- Expatriates documentation filling & follow up;
- Translation;
- Appointment arrangement;
- Filling anda data updating;
- Arranged of business trip schedule;
- Meeting budget arrangement;
- Procurement filling, inventory control, and administration asistant;
- Preparing for breakdown statement for the project, preparing intern finance circular correspondences, and preparing for the presentation materials;
- Issuing invoice & receipt for vendor and customers;
- Inventory Controller;
- Preparation of purchase requirement and purchase order;
- Invoice & payment arrangement.
Cibinong, June 20, 2012
Contoh CV 2
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Full Name : Wemmy Wijayanti
Sex : Female
Place, Date of Birth : Banyuwangi, August 5, 1980
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Married
Height, Weight : 166 cm, 49 kg
Health : Perfect
Religion : Moslem
Address : Jl. Mawar Banyuwangi Baru 1, Blok FG No.46, Banyuwangi 68465
Mobile : 087 857 645 239
Phone : 0331 - 842 324
E-mail :
Educational Background
1986 - 1992 : Banyuwangi Elementary School, Banyuwangi
1992 - 1995 : Junior High School No.2, Banyuwangi
1995 - 1998 : Senior High School No.1, Banyuwangi
1998 - 2002 : Accounting Department at the University of Pancasila, Jember
Course & Education
1999 - 2000 : Computer & Internet Course at Puskom Gilland Ganesha, Surabaya
2000 - 2003 : English Language Course at LBA Gilland Ganesha, Surabaya
2005 - 2006 : Tax Course (Brevet A & B) di FAIUP, Surabaya
Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation).
Taxation System.
Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
Internet Literate.
Working Experience
Working at PT. Seminyak, Surabaya
Period : August 2001
Purpose : Permanently working
Position : Accounting & Taxation staff
Job's Description :
Payroll Staff ;
Project's data updating ;
Business correspondences ;
Expatriates documentation filling & follow up ;
Translation ;
Appointment arrangement ;
Filling anda data updating ;
Arranged of business trip schedule ;
Meeting budget arrangement ;
Procurement filling, inventory control, and administration asistant ;
Preparing for breakdown statement for the project, preparing intern finance circular correspondences, and preparing for the presentation materials ;
Issuing invoice & receipt for vendor and customers ;
Inventory Controller ;
Preparation of purchase requirement and purchase order ;
Invoice & payment arrangement.
Wemmy Wijayanti
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